Vyacheslav Efimov

Machine Learning Engineer | Software Engineer

I am a passionate developer with 3 years of experience in the intersection of software engineering and machine learning.I am constantly broadening my horizons by learning new technnologies and building projects!


Throughout my career I worked in different IT companies. This career experience played an integral role of making me better as an engineer.To find out detailed information on projects I was working on and skills I have obtained, check out the links below:


I have studied at ITMO University which is known as one the best IT universities in the world of Computer Science.By studying an abundance of software engineering subjects and completing coding assignments, I have acquired necessary skills to start my career in development.


During my free time, I love building new projects! In my opinion, this is one of the best ways to build expertise. Check out what pet projects I have built by clicking the button below:

Additionally, I have my Medium blog where I publish Data Science articles on my favourite topics.Check out some of the best article series:

Contact me

If you have a question or would like to collaborate on a project, do not hesitate to reach me using the question form.

© Copyright. Vyacheslav Efimov.

Career 💼

TitleCompanyLocationStart dateEnd date
Machine Learning EngineerLeveraizeLe Mans, FranceMar. 2024Present
Machine Learning EngineerSberbankSaint-Petersburg, RussiaNov. 2021Sep. 2022
Machine Learning EngineerDevimSaint-Petersburg, RussiaFeb. 2021Nov. 2021
Intern Software EngineerElementSaint-Petersburg, RussiaJune 2020Sep. 2020


Leveraize is a start-up specialized in the artificial intelligence development.

  • Created a pipeline for solving linear programming problems with PuLP by using Python code generation.

  • Implemented an application prototype for image segmentation problems with U-Net.

  • Developed Figma prototypes of web applications.


Sberbank is the largest bank in Russia with an advanced AI ecosystem.

  • Improved ML metrics by developing cascade and blender ML models for predicting clients’ payments based on transaction history for each of 35 product categories.

  • Implemented NLP model for multi-label user goals categorisation (≈100 classes) for products recommender system.

  • Developed Data Science tools in inner ML framework for the team.

  • Analysed and sped up join algorithms for receiving product merchants from 2GIS and merchants handbook data sources.

  • Performed adhoc analytics by developing ETL pipelines processing several TB of data.

  • Interacted with stakeholders and presented results throughout development process.


Devim is a fintech copmany developing credit scoring platforms.

  • Developed classification, regression, clustering and uplift ML models for credit scoring problems.

  • Reorganised dashboards in Grafana for more convenient analytics and usage.

  • Collected data from databases, external API sources.

  • Analysised A/B-tests of clients’ statistics.


Element specialises in development of smart city products.

  • Developed a REST API backend gateway for connecting 3G/4G/LTE devices to the IoT platform.

  • Increased testing coverage by writing series of unit tests.

Skills ⭐️

Programming LanguagesPython, JavaScript, Java, C++
Machine LearningPandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn, Seaborn, LightGBM, PuLP, TensorFlow, PyTorch
Language ProcessingHuggingFace, Faiss, Langchain, LLM
DataSQL, MongoDB, PySpark
FrontendHTML, CSS, React.js, ChakraUI, Figma
BackendNode.js, Spring Boot, Flask, FastAPI
DevOpsLinux, Git, Docker, Ansible, AWS

Languages ✍️

Russian 🇷🇺Native
English 🇬🇧Fluent
French 🇫🇷Fluent
Spanish 🇪🇸Upper-Intermediate

Grades 🎓

Grading system

The acquired knowledge and skills for different university disciplines were evaluated throughout the whole semester in the form of homework assignments, practical tests and exam. The final grade for each discipline had either one of two forms:
- Latin letters: A, B, C, D, E and F.
- Binary grade: passed or not passed.

My grades

All of my main grades for computer science disciplines are listed in the table below.
My overall GPA including all the university disciplines is 4.50 / 5.00.

Algorithms and Data StructuresA
Data Analysis and Information RetrievalA
Database DesignA
DevOps TechnologiesPassed
Discrete MathematicsA
Linear AlgebraA
Machine LearningC
Mathematical AnalysisA
Mathematical StatisticsA
Programming TechnologiesA
Object Oriented ProgrammingB
Operating SystemsC
Software DesignC
Software Development ToolsPassed
Web DevelopmentB

Projects 🖥

Machine Learning

NameDescriptionDomainRepositoryDeployed appTechnologies
Food Text GeneratorAn application generating aggregated food description for a restaurant from several input photos.LLMHere-Python, HuggingFace, Langchain, OpenAI API
Blackjack Strategy OptimizerMonte Carlo algorithm implementation from scratch for finding an optimal blackjack strategy.RLHere-Python, Pandas, Plotly


NameDescriptionDomainRepositoryDeployed appTechnologies
ShifumiImplementation of the "Rock Paper Scissors" game with several modes of play.GameHereHereHTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, ChakraUI
Weather appAn application displaying weather parameters for cities chosen by the user. The information is parsed from OpenWeatherMap API.WeatherHereHereHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js

Contact me